A new feature is wanted for allowing users to see when other developers are available to help. Users should be able to define their weekly availability and be able to see the availability for other users on the site. The UI should always display these time slots in the context of the current user's timezone.
& TimeSlot
models where User has_one
ScheduleAdd new models for a user's schedule. A user has_one :schedule
and a schedule has_many :time_slots
. The migrations to add these would look like:
# create_schedules
create_table :schedules do |t|
t.references :user, null: false, foreign_key: true, index: { unique: true }
# create_time_slots
create_table :time_slots do |t|
t.references :schedule, null: false, foreign_key: true
# plan to implement as `enum`. Could also just use `t.string` with the day
# name
t.integer :day_of_week, null: false
t.time :start_time
t.time :end_time
& TimeSlot
where User has_many
SchedulesAdd the same models as above in the first proposal except a user has_many
schedules. The difference with the migration is that the schedules table will be created without a unique index on the user_id
foreign key, allowing a single user to be referenced in multiple schedules:
create_table :schedules do |t|
t.references :user, null: false, foreign_key: true
associations are, at least I feel, easier to work with. More predictable behavior, easier to reason about a lot of the time. And more familiar.