We have sign up on the app locked down. We only want users to sign up for the site if they’ve been invited. The devise invitable gem can be used to invite users to an app via email and will be the solution we use to implement this.
The documentation on the README seems quite robust. I plan to go through the normal installation and setup outlined inside the README. I don’t think we’ll require much custom behavior for now, although we might in the future (like if we want the user to specify more fields on sign up than email
and username
Since we’re getting into sending emails, I think it’d be nice to add a way to easily display and view them in the development environment without having to actually send them.
The letter opener gem will just open the email in a new browser tab whenever your application tries to send one. The developer can then view it.
We can also just use rails’ builtin mailer preview system. The developer can build some MailerPreviews
and then by visiting /rails/mailers
all of the available mailer previews in the app can be viewed.
built for it.