
The FAQ page is going to contain a list of questions that are commonly asked so people can learn and understand more about the Pair App.

Questions & Answers

  1. What is the purpose of this app?
    1. There are multiple purposes of this app. The first is being able to make a Pair Request with someone, and afterwards give each other feedback. The second is being able to partake in an async standup and know what your fellow peers are working on.
  2. Who would benefit from this app?
    1. People who are part of the Agency of Learning are the main people who would benefit from this app, as we use this internally. We are hoping to expand this to the outside world, but there are still a few more features that need to be built out before that can happen.
  3. How do I contribute to this app?
    1. We have open issues created on our Github Repo. We generally prefer people who are part of the Agency of Learning to pick those up because we would like for you to work in pairs with other developers. You can submit an application to the Agency of Learning here
  4. Can I show contributions I have done to future employers?
    1. Of course! This was the main purpose for creating this app. We want you to be able to showcase your skills and show code that is being used on a real app that other people are using.
  5. What is a Design Doc and where can I view what others have written.
    1. You can view a sample design doc that goes through the steps needed to create one here. You can view the design docs that are currently in progress and completed here