
“We want to be able to store the timezone on a User.”


Proposal 1 : Store time_zone as user preference in user table. Use ActiveSupport::TimeZone

Store timezone:

  1. create a migration to add a user column timezone
  2. edit the users controller by adding the new time_zone attribute to the permitted params
  3. edit user signup form to include users’ preferred time_zone field
    1. Initially the app will only take new users via invitations(devise_invitable) therefore we won’t need to modify the user registrations forms.
    2. Instead we’ll modify the invitation form to include the new timezone field


  1. Storing the timezone will ensure that the correct time will always be used
  2. Will allow users to edit their timezone at will


  1. Adds complexity to the table by adding the timezone field
  2. Adds steps to the user sign up process

Proposal 2: Set timezone using ActiveSupport::TimeZone and ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone

  1. Add :time_zone to the User model

    create_table :users do |t|
      t.string :time_zone, default: "UTC"
  2. Add helper to profile form to allow user to set own desired time zone

    <%= f.input :time_zone %>
  3. In the ApplicationController set an around_action

    around_action :set_time_zone, if: :current_user
    def set_time_zone(&block)
      Time.use_zone(current_user.time_zone, &block)