
We need to allow agency members to upload and show their resume. Resumes should be versioned, such that you can select a different version of your resume that you'd like to show.


Proposal 1: Create Resume model (I’m leaning most heavily towards this proposal)

Create a new Resume model. A User has_many :resumes .

Resume model would has_one_attached :resume , a name, a current flag, and a user_id.

Attached resume would be validated to ensure the attachment is a .pdf file type.


  1. Simple to reason about
  2. Simple to update
  3. Easy to create forms, controllers, and routes for CRUD actions to manage these resources


  1. A whole new model?

Proposal 2: Add [has_many_attache](<>)d :resumes to Users

User model would has_many_attached :resumes.

“Current” version of the resume would be tracked by caching a reference to the attachment, like the blob_id, on the user.

Attached resume would be validated to ensure the attachment is a .pdf file type.
