

We want users in the platform to be able to comment on other users standup updates.


  1. Users can comment on the updates of other users with a rich text field
  2. Subscribers and members alike can comment
  3. These comments should be unthreaded (flat), and displayed sequentially (oldest first). Think GitHub issue comments, not reddit conversation.
  4. Rich text is a requirement because we want the ability to link, insert images, and more.
  5. When I comment on an update, I want that user to receive a notification
  6. When I comment on an update, I want to receive notifications for any other comments on that update


Proposal 1: Straightforward Associations



this approach makes following the wireframe design hard/unclear. The idea is to be able to click on a comments link from the standup_meetings index view. and to be redirected to an individua view for the given standup_meeting section as show below.

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 12.56.37 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 12.57.27 PM.png

with this approach, i am not clear which view i’ll use to render the “comments” (right image). One option is to use the standup_meetings/show view and dynamically rendering the appropriate standup_meeting sections? but this seems messy

Seems to me like we need a model joining sections/questions with comments?